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Swiss federal authorities

Members of the Commission

The Federal Coordination Commission for Occupational Safety (FCOS) is made up of 15 members, who are appointed by the Federal Council. These members include:

  • 3 representatives from insurance carriers (1 x Suva, 2 x private insurance companies)
  • 8 representatives from implementation bodies (3 x cantons, 2 x SECO, 3 x Suva)
  • 2 employer representatives
  • 2 employee representatives 

These members meet four times a year at the Commission’s meetings, at which relevant topics in the area of occupational safety are discussed and resolutions are passed. The foundations for occupational safety are created, preventative activities are coordinated, and resources are allocated to the implementation bodies.

If a full member is unable to attend a meeting, they may send a deputy appointed by FCOS to attend the meeting. However, this deputy shall not have any voting or electoral rights in FCOS.


Suva representative

Felix Weber
lic. oec. HSG
Chairperson of the Board of Management
Fluhmattstrasse 1
6002 Lucerne
Phone: 041 419 52 01

Deputy chairperson

SECO representative

Corina Müller
lic. iur., attorney at law
State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO
Member of the Board of Management, Labour Directorate
Holzikofenweg 36
3003 Bern
Phone: 058 462 29 45


SECO representative

Christophe Iseli
Ing. Agronom FH
State Secretariat for Economic Affairs, SECO
Head of the Federal Labour Inspectorate
Holzikofenweg 36
3003 Bern
Phone: 058 481 34 23

Representative of private insurance companies

Irène Hänsli
lic. iur., attorney at law
Swiss Insurance Association 
Specialist in accident insurance and daily sickness benefits
Conrad-Ferdinand-Meyerstrasse 14
8002 Zurich
Phone: 044 208 28 41

Isabel Kohler Muster
lic. iur., attorney at law
Head of Legal Services of the santésuisse Group
Römerstrasse 20
4502 Solothurn
Phone: 032 625 41 31

Suva representative

Edith Müller Loretz
Member of the Board of Management
Fluhmattstrasse 1 / P.O. Box
6002 Lucerne
Phone: 041 419 55 86

Anja Zyska Cherix
Dr. med.
Clinical Director, Head of the Occupational Medicine Division
Avenue de la Gare 19
1003 Lausanne
Phone: 021 310 80 10

Adrian Bloch
Head of Occupational Safety / Health Protection Division
Rösslimattstrasse 39 / P.O. Box
6002 Lucerne
Phone: 041 419 55 23

Representative of the cantons

Andreas Hunkeler
Dipl. Designer FH
WAS wira Luzern
Head of Department, Member of the Board of Management
Bürgenstrasse 12
6005 Lucerne
Phone: 041 209 14 50

Nicole Hostettler
lic. phil.
Canton of Basel-Stadt, Office for Economy and 
Head of Office for Economy and Labour
Sandgrubenstrasse 44
4005 Basel
Phone: 061 267 87 50

Employer representative

[Translate to Englisch:] Bild von Simon Schnyder

Simon Schnyder
Dr. rer. pol.
Swiss Chamber of Commerce
Head of Department
Schwarztorstrasse 26
3001 Bern
Phone: 031 380 14 31

Roger Riemer
Swiss Employers Confederation 
Deputy Head of Sector
Hegibachstrasse 47
8032 Zurich
Phone: 044 421 17 17

Employee representative

Luca Cirigliano
Dr. iur.
Swiss Trade Union Federation 
General Secretary
Monbijoustrasse 61
3000 Bern 23
Phone: 031 377 01 17

Michele Aversa
Sector Manager
Römerstrasse 7
4600 Olten
Phone: 044 279 71 71

Delegate from the Federal Office of Public Health

Alexandra Molinaro
Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH)
Head of the Accident Insurance, Accident Prevention and Military Insurance Department
Schwarzenburgstrasse 157
3003 Bern
Phone: 058 465 92 73